Bacchus Dionysos Dionysus

Discover Dionysus Bacchus, the God of Wine and Theatre

In the fascinating world of Greek mythology, Dionysus occupies a special place among the most [...]

Dyeing Easter eggs red: solutions and tradition

A Easter in Greece it’s customary to dye Easter eggs red. Red symbolizes the blood of Christ. [...]
easter in Greece

Easter in Athens: celebrations and practical information

Easter is the most important festival of Eastern Christianity. The Greeks celebrate this festival [...]

Easter traditions and festivities in Greece

Easter in Greece is a beautiful festival. In fact, it’s more widely celebrated than [...]

March 25: National holiday in Greece

March 25 is one of Greece’s two national holidays. The second is on October 28, the day of [...]

Why Pure Monday?

In Greece, Pure Monday or “kathara deftera” is a special day. A holiday celebrated with [...]
martin pêcheur sur une branche, alcyonides

Alcyonides in Greece: mythology and weather

Every year at the same time, the Alcyonides in Greece are a regular fixture… It’s those [...]

Patras Carnival

The Patras Carnival is one of Greece’s not-to-be-missed events. Little known abroad, the [...]

January 6: Epiphany in Greece

January 6, the day of the Epiphany(Theophania in Greek, meaning “Appearance of God”) is [...]

Greek Vasilopita recipe

Vassilopita (or vasilopita) is the cake(pita) of Agios Vassilis(Saint Basil), whose feast day is [...]

Christmas culinary traditions in Greece

Long before our modern Christmas, which is nearly identical worldwide, long before the man in red [...]
Ouzo with mezze by the sea

Ouzo: the must-have Greek summer drink

Whoever hasn’t sipped a glass of ouzo on the rocks, whoever hasn’t caught himself [...]

Greek culture and gastronomy: habits and customs, public holidays, recipes, mythology...