The sanctuary of Asclepius at Kos

Sanctuary of Asclepius at Kos - Asclepieion
Canva Pro - Céline P.

In the heart of the Greek island of Kos, around 4 km from the town of Kos, a historic gem lies in the remains of the sanctuary dedicated to Asclepius, the god of medicine in Greek mythology. The sanctuary of Asclepios in Kos (also called Asklepieio or Asklipieio),was a renowned healing center in antiquity. It offers not only a fascinating insight into ancient medical practice, but also an immersive exploration into the spirituality and culture of the time.

The Asclepion, a Mecca of ancient medicine

Founded in the 4th century B.C., the Asclepion of Kos was much more than just a religious sanctuary. It was a veritable medical center at the cutting edge of progress for its time. Sick people flocked here from all over Greece and the Mediterranean world, hoping to find relief for their ailments.

Indeed, the sanctuary of Asclepios in Kos was more than just a place of worship. It was a complete healing center. Its architecture was designed to promote the physical and mental well-being of visitors. The buildings included temples, treatment rooms, dormitories for patients and even a theater where theatrical and musical performances were staged to entertain and inspire the sick.

What to do in Kos, Greece
Among the things to do in Kos, a visit to the Asklepieion is a must! © Laure M.

The main monuments of the sanctuary of Asclepius in Kos

The sanctuary consisted of several important buildings on three terraces, including :

  • Lower level :
    • The medical school, where future doctors were trained in the techniques of the time.
    • patient room with waiting area
  • Intermediate level :
    • Temples
    • A treatment center based on hydrotherapy using existing springs
  • Top level :
    • Temple of Asclepius: A majestic Ionic temple, where the sick consulted priest-physicians for diagnosis and treatment.
    • Rooms reserved for the wealthiest patients
  • The theater: A venue for theatrical performances, often therapeutic in nature, and medical lectures.

What’s more, the sanctuary was a cultural gathering place where people came not only for their health, but also to take part in cultural events, sporting competitions and philosophical discussions. It was a crossroads for science, religion and the arts, contributing to the intellectual and spiritual enrichment of ancient Greek society.

Hippocrates, an illustrious disciple

The Asclepion of Kos is also famous for having been the training ground of Hippocrates. He is considered the father of Western medicine. Hippocrates is said to have studied and taught there for several years, contributing to the sanctuary’s renown.

How to visit the sanctuary?

Although the remains of the sanctuary of Asclepios on Kos have suffered the ravages of time, they remain a must-see destination for history, medicine and mythology enthusiasts. Visitors can wander among the ruins of temples and buildings. They can imagine the life that once animated this sacred place.

A visit to the Kos sanctuary

Explore the highlights, hidden treasures, and rich history of Kos Island on a full-day guided tour with convenient hotel transfers. Discover Asklepion, Zia, and Kefalos, and enjoy tasting local honey at a nearby factory.

Practical information for visiting


  • April 1 to August 31: 08:00 – 20:00Last entry to the site at 7:30 p.m.
  • On September 1st, due to a gradual reduction in the length of the day, opening times are as follows: September 1st to 15th, 08:00 – 19:30 – Last entry to the Site at 19:00
  • September 16 to 30, 08:00 – 19:00 – Last entry to the site at 6:30 pm
  • October 1st to 15th 08:00 – 18:30 – Last entry to the site at 6:00 pm
  • and from October 16th to 31st 08h00 – 18h00 – Last entry at 5:30 pm


  • Admission is 8 euros
  • Reduced-rate ticket: 4 euros (European seniors over 65 and minors)

Other practical information:

  • Take the Aghiou Dimitriou road, the site has free parking. Site location
  • No disabled access to the sanctuary of Asclepius.
  • The site has a café and snack bar. There’s also a souvenir store.
  • In the eastern part of the archaeological site, the epigraphic museum preserves treasures, including precious inscriptions such as letters, decrees honoring Kos’ physicians, arbitral judgments and sacred laws. These artifacts bear witness to the sanctuary’s pan-Hellenic fame and influence.

Enjoy your visit to this wellness mecca!

To complete your information on Kos :

Céline P.

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