Why visit Samothrace? 6 good reasons to let yourself be bewitched!

L'île de Samothrace
Canva Pro - Céline P.

Samothrace (also called Samothraki) is best known for the majestic statue of the Victory of Samothrace, discovered on the island and now on display at the Louvre. But above all, it’s a fabulous island lost in the waters of the North Aegean Sea, east of Thassos! Its mysterious history and lush natural surroundings make it a magical place, far removed from the usual tourist attractions. Not the first Greek island that springs to mind for a vacation in Greece? We’ll change your mind! Discover 6 good reasons to visit the island of Samothrace, also known as Samothraki.

1. Because it’s a little paradise on earth

Samothraki is a mountainous island covered with exuberant vegetation. Its mysterious landscapes, translucent waters, impressive gorges and shimmering lakes create a magical setting. With its temperate climate, it’s a dream destination for wilderness lovers. But if you enjoy water sports or scuba diving, you’ll love it too!

Waterfall and beehives in Samothrace, Greece
Canva Pro – Céline P.

Do you enjoy sunbathing in a crystal-clear sea? You’ve come to the right place! But the island of Samothrace has many other treasures to offer: its 178 km2 abound with secret waterfalls and mountain trails that seem to be traversed by vibrant energies. If you’re lucky enough to see this enchanting setting in the moonlight, you’ll never forget it!

2. To explore Chora, the enchanting capital of the island of Samothrace

Sheltered from the wind and pirates on the slopes of Mount Saos, the town of Chora is built amphitheatrically 300 m above the sea. This charming little capital is well worth a visit.

Its superb cobbled alleyways and narrow, light-filled streets are lined with beautiful traditional two-storey buildings. Take a look at the authentic beauty of these tiled roofs: the stones above them serve to protect the inhabitants from the strong winds that regularly sweep across the island.

In the midst of these typical houses, you’ll sometimes come across astonishing medieval ruins. Don’t hesitate to stroll through this peaceful town, and don’t miss the 10ᵉ century Byzantine castle, the folk museum and the Church of the Dormition of the Most Holy Mother of God!

3. For the wild beauty of its beaches

If the Greek islands were to compete in a contest for the most beautiful beach, we’d have a hard time choosing between them. But one thing’s for sure: Samothraki won’t be the last to stand on the podium! With its numerous coves and long beaches of pebbles or golden sand, the island of Samothrace is the perfect place for hours of idleness by the sea.

Samothrace beaches
Canva Pro – Céline P.

Among the most beautiful, the beaches of Fonia, Paleopoli and Pachia Amos create an enchanting setting. The largest, Kipos beach, is carpeted with blue-grey pebbles. Then, the beautiful beach of Vatos shelters you in the shade of its palm trees and plane trees. The Kremasto waterfall has a lovely surprise in store for you: a crystal-clear waterfall whose bubbling waters flow into the sea. It’s hard to choose!

However, many of Samothrace’s beaches are only accessible by boat. Far from being a limit, it’s the perfect opportunity to treat yourself to a magical cruise!

4. To unravel the mystery of the sanctuary of the Great Gods

If telluric forces attract you, Samothraki will act like a magnet. Emblematic of the occult mysteries that punctuate the island’s history, the sanctuary of the Great Gods is a magnetic must-see!

Located a few kilometers from Loutra, this Panhellenic sanctuary has been famous since the 4ᵉ century BC. An enigmatic cult took place here through a secret initiation ritual. At each stage of the rite, the initiate learned more about the gods and life after death. Famous figures from Greek history were involved in this strange tradition: Herodotus, the Macedonian kings and Sparta’s King Lysander, among others.

The archaeological site of the Sanctuary of the Great Gods will give you an insight into this mystical life and its influence on the island’s culture. It’s your turn to be initiated into the mysteries of the island of Samothrace!

Samothrace temple of the great gods
Canva Pro – Céline P.

5. To bathe in its limpid waterfalls

Would you like to get away from the beaches and discover the secrets of Mount Saos? You won’t be disappointed! This majestic mountain is covered in dense vegetation and criss-crossed by a winding network of streams and small paths.

Well-hidden but innumerable, the Samothrace waterfalls emerge from the heart of the forest like magical apparitions. You can spot them by ear, listening for the sound of trickling water. There, you’ll discover the magical lakes and natural pools created by these waterfalls. Don’t miss the magnificent Gria Vathra lake, just a few kilometers from Loutra!

The island of Samothrace boasts exceptional geothermal wealth. Treat yourself to a swim in its pure, gentle waters: it’s a wonderful experience!

6. To see the wild goats on the island of Samothraki

Thousands of them frolic freely on the steep slopes of the mountain or in the alleys of the city: the Samothracian kids! Initially raised in the traditional way, they have proliferated at great speed to become fifteen times more numerous than the island’s inhabitants.

The Samothracian kids are at home in every corner of the island, and this can lead to some pretty funny situations. You’ll see them everywhere, including on road signs… and on restaurant menus!

But don’t worry: if you’d rather admire these wild animals alive, Samothrace’s traditional cuisine has plenty of other delights in store for you!

Goat and landscape at Samothrace in Greece
Canva Pro – Céline P.

We wish you a fascinating trip to this amazing Greek island in the Northern Aegean!

Sandra B.

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